Monday, September 10, 2007

Welsh researchers say the giant panda is not at an evolutionary dead end and could have a long term viable future.

While previous studies have found that the giant panda's isolation, food requirements and slow reproductive rates have led to a lack of genetic diversity that will inevitably lead the species to extinction, a study in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution said the decline of the species can be linked directly to human activities rather than a genetic inability to adapt and evolve.

"Our research suggests we have to revise our thinking about the evolutionary prospects for the giant panda," Michael Bruford of Cardiff University said Friday in a release. "The species has a viable future and possesses the genetic capacity to adapt to new circumstances. Conservation efforts should therefore be directed towards habitat restoration and protection. In their natural environment, the giant panda is a species that can have a bright future."

After reading this article I thought that Pandas were going to be extinct or were in great danger of being wiped out, but after reading it a few times, its just cool to see a bright future for a cute animal that might be gone in the future.

So far in Biology in Mr. Olson, everything seems to be ok in terms of grades, except that continual organization of a binder is a small challenge I will soon have to overcome. Otherwise, doing all the activities and worksheets has been alright.

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