Monday, May 12, 2008

Vitamin PV: Perfect Vision

Nowadays, you see people wearing glasses or contacts everywhere you go. But if there was a daily vitamin that people could take which could give them 20/20 vision after taking daily use of vitamins in the morning, specifically Vitamin PV. People would want to buy this product because it would clear the hassle of contacts and glasses. The product may cause dizziness if taken when your pregnant. Do not take this product with any pain killers because it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. It would also maintain your vision in old age.

Even though I don't need vision aids, if I were someone who needed glasses or contacts, I would buy Vitamin PV. I think if someone could come up with a product like this, it would sell very fast and make A LOT of money.

The symbol of a bird represents the sharp eagle like vision you will obtain after consuming this product.

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