Monday, May 12, 2008

Vitamin PV: Perfect Vision

Nowadays, you see people wearing glasses or contacts everywhere you go. But if there was a daily vitamin that people could take which could give them 20/20 vision after taking daily use of vitamins in the morning, specifically Vitamin PV. People would want to buy this product because it would clear the hassle of contacts and glasses. The product may cause dizziness if taken when your pregnant. Do not take this product with any pain killers because it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. It would also maintain your vision in old age.

Even though I don't need vision aids, if I were someone who needed glasses or contacts, I would buy Vitamin PV. I think if someone could come up with a product like this, it would sell very fast and make A LOT of money.

The symbol of a bird represents the sharp eagle like vision you will obtain after consuming this product.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Biological Breakthrough: Mutated Zebra Fish

The scientists, are now able to clone fish, with a pretty good understanding of what will come out of it. They do this by dumping a male fish into the chemical mutagen ethylnitrosourea. Then when offspring are produced, the embryos are mutated. and after born, a mutated fish is produced.

I feel that this is a pretty big biological breakthrough in the cloning field. However, I cant predict an outcome of the whole thing. The idea of cloning and mutating fish is just something that is very new to this society in my opinion. But, i think the scientist's know what their doing, and by doing this it can be done for a good cause.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Entrepreneur Blog: My dad, a Florist (owner)

My dad is the owner of the Powell Flower Shop in chinatown. His job is to make floral arrangements for funerals, weddings, and all sorts of holidays. He works day and night, during weeks with many orders, and has no time for a lot of things because of this. He earns his living through a lot of hard work, but he gets it done.

After thinking about what my dad does as his job, I feel that he's a hard worker and I should learn this important quality from him. The money he makes is hard earned and helps the community, so it's for a good cause too. I predict that my dad knows what he's doing and his business will work out.

Sorry Mr. Olson, but my dad's business is only about 7 months since it opened and he does not have a site yet, hopefully you can understand since I don't have a link.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Your belly fat could be making you hungrier

After reading this article, it really makes me think about obese people and how they eat a lot. Nowadays we see obesity everywhere, and its a stereotype that all obese people eat loads of food. But after reflecting on the article, maybe you can consider that they can't help themselves, because the article states that the brain naturally produces it, and then studies show the abdominal fat also produces it leading to even more hunger. The article also shows that they can use this as a way to save obese people, because they say that the hormone that makes people hungry goes into the circulatory system and by that, they can take blood samples looking for the hormone and then send the person to therapy because they get very obese. So, in total I learned about obese people and why they made eat a lot.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


The presentation explained a lot about evolution. Along with that it showed a lot of diagrams showing the slow change of evolution amongst the related species. The presentation also had a debate between Darwinism vs. Creationism. The presentation also revolved around the 5 Evidence of Evolution: 1 Biogeography 2 Comparative anatomy 3 Molecular Biology 4 Fossil Record 5 Developmental Biology. Another main question was, "How do we get related species so spread out on the earth? The answer to that was, because at one time all the continents were very close together. That was the overview of the evolutionary presentation.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

People born in spring are brainier - how seasons of birth influence our personalities

Dec 2 : It has been long known that stars guide our life paths and affect our personalities, but according to new studies, it is the season of birth that predisposes individuals to different personalities and qualities.

According to researchers, in the northern hemisphere, women born in May will show more impulsive behaviour while those whose birthday falls in November will be more reflective.

Men born in the spring will also show greater persistence than those born in winter, reports the Telegraph.

Another research has revealed that people born in the autumn are more likely to be physically active and excel in football while those born in the spring will be more intellectual and may be better suited to chess.

The study also says that those born between September and December are more prone to panic attacks while there is growing evidence that schizophrenia is higher among those born in the late winter and early spring.

“It is exactly what you would expect if it were temperature related. Many of the effects reverse in the two hemispheres,” said Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire who has examined the effect of the season of birth on whether people feel lucky.

Professor John Eagle, a psychiatrist at Aberdeen University who has studied the links between season of birth and mental health, added: “The two main culprits … are diet and the seasonal fluctuations in nutrition, and the increase in infections during the winter. There are genetic factors and other environmental reasons that play a role, so the season of birth is just a contributing factor.”

Astrologers have come down on the findings as evidence that an individual’s personality is influenced by their star sign and justification for millions of people who pore over their horoscopes every day.

However, scientists stress that there are essential biological reasons behind the effects rather than the position of the stars and movement of the planets.

Professor Jayanti Chotai, at Umea University in Sweden, said that levels of crucial hormones produced by a pregnant woman change depending on which season an infant is born, and this could be “hard-wiring” personality traits while a baby is in the womb.

Temperature, infections, light exposure, lifestyle changes and nutrition, which can all change depending on season, are all thought to influence these hormones.

“The variations … are explained by the seasonal variations in our solar system. For example, winter has less sunlight and lower temperatures and the epidemics of virus infections are more prevalent,” Professor Chotai said. (ANI)

I think it is pretty cool that the seasons actually show as some factor in terms of personality. I would have never thought that these statistics would actually prove something in terms of how people act depending on where they are born.